Head Office

Moor Row, Cumbria, CA24 3JZ



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01946 817209

Our Services

Project Controls

Welcome To Prima Uno

Project Controls

Project Controls – Subject matter experts in Project Controls covering:

  • Estimating
  • Cost Engineering
  • Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Project Controls Maturity Assessments
  • Forensic Planning
  • Audit
  • Programme and Project Assurance
  • Project Controls Training
  • Independent Baseline Review
  • Change Control and Trends
  • Scope Management
  • Strategic and integrated planning
  • Schedule audit, interrogation and validation
  • Schedule quality review and baseline assurance
  • Independent schedule review, report and recovery planning
  • Probability of schedule success

Integrated Planning

Prima Uno are subject matter experts in Integrated Planning.

Our subject matter experts have proven success of developing and maintaining Integrated Programmes on many complex high profile projects including:

  • Crossrail
  • HS2
  • London 2012 Games
  • Various nuclear decommissioning projects


Prima Uno work with our clients’ project teams to mentor and train them in creating Integrated Programmes. We set up the whole Integrated Planning Process to ensure an effective Integrated Programme is executed.

Project Control Procedures

Prima Uno have a suite of Project Control Procedures and templates.

We would undertake a review and simplify and standardise project controls procedures by introducing cost, planning and reporting templates successfully used on other projects.

Project Controls Support

Secondment of exceptional project control professionals (estimating, cost engineering, planning and risk).


Independent Project Recovery

Including sub-contractor schedule advice which will underpin the main schedule. We have undertaken some wonderful recovery work on various projects.

Schedule Maturity assessment model

Using our schedule maturity model we would deliver a range of benefits including:

  • Identifying the organisations scheduling strengths and areas of improvement.
  • Providing a highly structured, fact based, objective, consistent and repeatable approach to identifying and assessing a project’s scheduling, and measuring progress periodically.
  • Creating a common language and framework for the way you manage and improve schedule on your projects and other projects in your organisation.
  • Educating your people in your project on the fundamental elements of scheduling and how they relate to their roles and responsibilities.
    Involving people at all levels in process improvement.
  • Ranking project scheduling maturity within an organisation or across your supply chain.
  • Identifying and allowing the sharing of best practise across projects.
  • Assessing and presenting the findings of variety of schedule reviews in a format that is easy to understand.
  • Supporting the development of your business plan and strategy.

Project Critical path analysis

We have trained subject matter experts in delay analysis, extension of time analysis.

We could mentor your team on expert analysis of critical paths.

Forensic Quantitative schedule and cost risk analysis

Using our own best practise techniques we undertake a comprehensive quantitative schedule and cost risk analysis including the introduction of a bespoke report.

Risk & Value Management

We have a team of risk managers that bring LFE from other projects such as Crossrail, LLWR and other major projects in the UK