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Angie Dean to Leave Prima Uno and join the WOW Centre

We are sad but also happy to announce that Angie Dean our Office Manager and Head of Quality will be leaving Prima Uno in September.

Sarah Purdham Managing Director “Angie will be leaving Prima Uno to be the Centre Development Manager of the WOW Centre – Women Out West, at Haig Enterprise Park, Kells.

“I have been happy at Prima Uno”  Angie said “and have learned such a lot in my time here, however the opportunity to develop the WOW Centre and support the women of Copeland and Allerdale in achieving their full potential is too much of an opportunity to miss.”

Rachel Holliday said  “Women Out West is a brand new Social Enterprise to help women in West Cumbria. I was so impressed with Angie’s passion and enthusiasm for the project and I’m so thrilled she is joining our team! I am so thankful to Prima Uno for supporting Time to Change (West Cumbria) over the years, I am sure they will continue to go from strength to strength as it is lead by one of the most courageous inspiring women I know. I look forward to us working together to help those most in need.

We are sad to lose Angie however we think this job was made for her.  Angie came to me three weeks ago saying she could not get the advertisement out her mind and that she wasn’t sure whether to apply or not.  Who was I to stand in her way as I knew what a difference Angie could make to the lives of the women of Copeland and Allerdale.  We are sad to lose Angie, but she has made a difference to Prima Uno in her time with us and I know we will remain in touch. We look forward to seeing the Centre develop and will look forward to taking part in some of the activities she has planned – and of course the cake too!  We will try and support the WOW centre in any way possible.  As a result of this Prima Uno is now looking for a new Office Manager and are reviewing CV’s at this moment in time.  If you think you have what it takes to be our Office Manager please look at the tasks below and get in touch with a letter stating why you would like the job, your salary and include your CV.  Applications can be via email or post.